Explore the most current information on trains from Nagoya to Tokyo
Nagoya to Tokyo Trains Information
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Tokyo to Nagoya Shinkansen boast really excellent onboard amenities and have three travel classes which means that you can pick an option that works the best for you! To top it all, Shinkansen from Nagoya to Tokyo pride themselves on impeccable punctuality and a wide choice of departures. Feel free to go to Rail Ninja to check out the detailed timetable and book your Shinkansen tickets from Nagoya to Tokyo fast and easy.
If you have a trip from Tokyo to Nagoya on your travel plans, consider taking a Nagoya to Tokyo Shinkansen train - the fastest and the most comfortable connection between the cities. Nozomi trains, for example, the fastest trains on the route, promise nothing but a great journey.
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Q&A: Travel From Nagoya to Tokyo
The price of train tickets in Japan heavily depends on a lot of factors, such as the type of train you choose for the journey, what travel class you want to travel by, is seat reservation required or not, etc. So it's impossible to say exactly how much the trip is going to cost you right away, but be prepared to pay around 115 USD for a ticket.
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