Kyoto to Tokyo Trains Information
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Shinkansen trains from Kyoto to Tokyo are definitely among the top choices when it comes to discoveringJapan wonders. Within 475 kilometers (295 miles) of each other, the cities are connected by one of the country's most scenic railroad routes, ideal for admiring the country's breathtaking landscapes, and served by the record-breaking Nozomi trains.
Kyoto to Tokyo Train Map
An undeniable advantage of taking a Kyoto to Tokyo Shinkansen is, of course, unparalleled comfort during the journey, as Nozomi trains serving the route are famous for their great onboard amenities. There have three travel classes, offering various levels of comfort, so you can easily choose an option that works best for you. What is more, these trains are astonishingly fast! Kyoto to Tokyo train time is just 2 hours, can you believe it? A broad departure schedule with up to 31 departures every day is basically an acing on a cake. As you can see, taking a train is the smartest choice when you need to travel from Kyoto to Tokyo. Unsurprisingly, train tickets are always in high demand, so make sure to book yours in advance (we recommend using Rail Ninja).
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Q&A: Travel From Tokyo to Kyoto
The system is pretty much the same as everywhere else. The old-time classic option is to get a Kyoto - Tokyo train ticket at the station before the departure. A valid choice, of course, but there is always a chance to miss your train because the tickets are sold-out or the line at the checkout is huge. So consider buying a Shinkansen rail ticket online via Rail Ninja. It's fast and easy, and a one-way ticket from Kyoto to Tokyo costs about 160 USD (you can learn more about the types and prices of Japanese train tickets here).
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